Everyone is invited to join us for worship Sunday mornings at 9 am (traditional) and 11 am (informal). Each week we gather around the table for the sacrament of Holy Communion. Everyone is invited to the table to receive the body and blood of Christ or for a blessing.
Both services weekly have a time of gathering with hymns, confession and forgiveness, reading of Scripture, a Children’s sermon and a sermon, more hymns, confession of faith, prayers, communion, more prayers, more songs, and a blessing and sending to be God’s hands and feet in the world.
We encourage children to be with us during worship, learning, engaging, and participating in the service and in the congregation.
However, we do have a nursery where you can hear the 9 am worship service. There you will find a restroom with a changing table, toys, books, and a rocking chair.
During the 11 am service there are toys and crayons and a small table located in the back for kids to remain in the worship service, but have a place to spread out and engage their creative side. During this service the children and youth often serve as ushers and acolytes.
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